Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is United Way?

United Way of South Central Indiana is a social service agency that works with certified partner organizations and others to lift up neighbors and build stronger communities. In partnership with community services and programs, United Way ensures that people in crisis can get the help they need and address the underlying issues they face in Brown, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, Owen, and Orange counties to help prevent the need for safety-net services in the future.

Who runs United Way?

A volunteer Board of Directors and professional staff guide the work at United Way. Many community-minded volunteers help support the outreach of United Way.  

How much of my contribution goes to program services?

Over the past 5 years, an average of 77¢ of every dollar is used for programming.  

How are campaign funds distributed?

The United Way Community Impact Committee, consisting of United Way Board members and other volunteers, reviews applications from partner agencies seeking funding. Funds are directed toward emerging needs in the community where the impact will be greatest.  

What is the value of giving to United Way when I can donate directly to an agency?

Your gift to United Way touches 1 in 3 community members each year. Giving to United Way's Possibility Fund means that your gift will have the greatest local impact, combining with contributions from across our communities to support food security, safe shelter, disaster recovery, financial stability, and more. Donations to our Possibility Fund will ensure that the 46% of families in our region who are living in poverty or teetering right above it will find help when they need it most.

Why should I give when I can only afford a small amount?

Every single dollar makes a difference! Giving at the level that works for you provides an opportunity to join others in the community to help those in need. Many employers offer payroll deduction, which spreads your donation throughout the year. There are many ways to give, including volunteering with United Way of South Central Indiana.

What records should a donor keep to meet IRS rules?

Donors should consult their tax advisor for more information. United Way gratefully acknowledges all gifts whether cash, check, credit/debit card, or stock receipt. This acknowledgment also serves as your tax receipt.
Donors should keep  

  • A copy of their completed pledge form;
  • A copy of their pay stub, W-2, or similar document, showing the amount withheld for payroll deduction and the amount paid.

How much of a donation stays local?

Over 98% of your gift remains in your community helping families, neighbors, and co-workers. All of our decisions are made locally by staff members and a volunteer board of directors who know this community.

Does United Way have a non-discrimination policy?

Yes, the non-discrimination policy ensures that all who would benefit from the high-quality programs of our agencies are eligible to receive those services. Partner agencies cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, marital or familial status, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, nationality, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, housing status, or any legally prohibited classification.

Will I feel pressured to give?

Whether one gives, and how much one gives, are personal decisions.

United Way's Board of Directors takes a strong position that does not condone any form of coercion, especially if there is any stated or implied effect on your personal economic status.  

Are donations to United Way tax deductible?

Yes. United Way of South Central Indiana is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by current federal and state tax law.

What is your association with United Way Worldwide?

We are completely autonomous from United Way Worldwide and the Indiana United Ways—all of our decisions are made locally. We voluntarily pay annual dues to the state and national associations in exchange for valuable information and referral services, consultation, supplies, publications, training and grant opportunities, and conferences. 

Donor Choice Questions

Can I designate a particular agency to receive my donation?

The Possibility Fund helps donors address a wide range of community issues with one gift. United Way offers a Donor Choice program, which allows a donor to designate all or part of their gift to a specific agency or a United Way in another area. Directions are on pledge cards. Because of processing fees, all designated gifts under $25 are directed to the United Way Possibility Fund.

What if I have additional instructions for my gift to the Possibility Fund?

You may include any instructions for the distribution of your gift in the “Additional Instructions for my gift” open field on e-Pledge, online giving, or your paper donation form. 

What are the standards for partner and non-partner agencies?

Partner agencies must meet strict standards of governance, program effectiveness, and financial accountability and are evaluated annually as part of a volunteer-driven certification process. Non-partner agencies are not monitored by United Way, but we do verify their tax-exempt status. There is no eligibility charge for partner status. 

What types of non-partner agencies are eligible to receive donor designations?

Organizations must have Section 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS; have a local presence; work in the areas of human service and be able to document a minimum one-year record of service. Federations, religious congregations, government units, and capital drives are not eligible. If the organization is not eligible, United Way staff will discuss options with the donor.

Does United Way assess processing fees?

There is no fee to designate to partner agencies. Non-partner organizations are assessed a 12% fee on all donations to reimburse United Way's processing expenses. Non-cash designations are reduced by an allowance, currently 6%, to account for uncollectible pledges.

Where can I find information about eligible agencies to which I can designate?

Please contact for a copy of a current donor choice agency list.

Other Questions

What should I do if I have other questions not found in this FAQ?

Please contact the United Way office at (812) 334-8370 or via email at