Nonprofit Resources

United Way of South Central Indiana understands that a strong nonprofit sector will translate into a stronger community.  We work in several ways to help organizations acquire the knowledge, tools, and resources to fulfill their missions. 


Nonprofit Resources

NonProfit Alliance

The NonProfit Alliance is a collaboration among some 400 nonprofit organizations in and around Monroe County. United Way sponsors NPA with the City of Bloomington, Community Foundation, and SPEA to bring trainings, networking, and outreach opportunities to the nonprofit sector. NPA also publishes a weekly e-newsletter keeping the nonprofit community informed about opportunities, professional resources, and new research. These tools helps strengthen the operations of all nonprofit organizations and prepare future professionals.


Serve IT

Operated by the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Serve IT exists to serve local nonprofit organizations with a wide range of technological services. Operated by a staff of students, faculty, and employees, Serve IT takes a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates service learning into technology-related projects of benefit to the local nonprofit community. United Way staff serve on the Serve IT Steering Committee along with other nonprofit and community leaders.

City of Bloomington Volunteer Network

Nonprofits needing volunteers can post opportunities that are then publicized online and in the area’s newspaper, the Herald-Times. Nonprofits may also post requests for material donations in the Community Wish List section. Volunteers can find opportunities on a searchable database. United Way is proud to co-sponsor BVN's annual Be More voluntarism awards.   

Monroe County Public Library Nonprofit Central

As part of the Foundation Center's Funding Information Network with the support of United Way, the Monroe County Public Library Nonprofit Central helps address unique information needs of area organizations. It does so by helping to increase management capacity, improving the development of sustainable resources, and fostering a collaborative environment. Nonprofit Central offers opportunities for networking as well as one-on-one consultations for organizations. 


Regional Data

Service Community Assessment of Needs (SCAN Report)

SCAN provides information helpful to program planners, grant writers, community leaders and funders. Barry Lessow, Executive Director of Monroe County of United Way, chaired the steering committee that produced the SCAN Report in 1998, 2003 and 2012. SCAN 2012 includes chapters on education, earning a living, health, youth development, meeting essential needs, and the human services sector. You can also get Community Statistics & Facts, including census data and demographic profiles.

Click here to download the SCAN 2012 report

Community Statistics and Facts



The Foundation Center Directory
This comprehensive, searchable computer database lists over 100,000 grant sources. Brought to the community originally by United Way, we are proud to now partner with the Monroe County Public Library to provide this service. Appointments are encouraged, but not necessary. Call the Indiana Room staff at 349-3080 to set up a tutorial. For more information, check the MCPL Grant page

Donor Choice Program
Through the donor choice program, donors can direct their United Way campaign gifts to member agencies and other eligible nonprofit organizations in the community. Designated organizations must have a Section 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS and have a local presence. Donor designations to non-member organizations are assessed a fee (currently 12%) that covers the cost of raising, processing, verifying and distributing the funds.

Please contact United Way at (812) 334-8370 if you are affiliated with a nonprofit that is interested in completing documentation to become part of the donor choice program.

Combined Federal Campaign
United Way helps facilitate the Crane Area Combined Federal Campaign that provides donation opportunities for federal workers. Organizations can apply to be included in the CFC campaign by contacting us at United Way at (812) 334-8370.  

United Way Membership
Member agencies partner with United Way to meet immediate needs and make long-term improvements in people's lives. They have passed rigorous standards in the areas of governance, operations, and finance. If you are affiliated with a nonprofit interested in pursuing membership, please contact Randy Rogers at United Way at (812) 334-8370 ext. 15.